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Last Chance Must Buy ⏰ 經典泳裝7折


什麼是 LYCRA® 纖維?

自從六十多年前問世以來,LYCRA® 纖維已成為全球知名的彈性纖維品牌,並日漸成為運動彈性布料的質感標準。

LYCRA® 是一種人造彈性纖維,可拉伸至原始長度的6倍,並回復至原始狀態,為衣物的舒適度、合身性、活動自由度等賦予全新定義。

無論何時將LYCRA® 纖維用於面料中,都能夠提升服飾的合身性和耐用性,讓衣物隨身而動,帶來持久的貼合、保形和舒適效果。

無論你反覆洗滌、不停跑跳,亦或浸泡在泳池裡,LYCRA® 纖維都能夠讓衣物長時間保持其功能性。



Since its invention over sixty years ago, LYCRA® fiber set the standard as the world’s best-known spandex fiber brand. Lightweight and nearly invisible, LYCRA® fiber became the active ingredient in our clothes and revolutionized the way we wore them. Whenever it’s used in fabrics, LYCRA® fiber transforms garments into better fitting, durable clothes that move with our bodies, delivering fit, shape and comfort that lasts. Day after day. Wash after wash. Run after run. Swim after swim.


What's special about LYCRA® XTRA LIFE™ ?


採用 LYCRA® XTRA LIFE™ 技術製成的服飾比採用未受保護的彈性纖維製成的服飾更為持久耐用。


讓泳衣可抵抗泳池氯水、溫泉、紫外線等侵害,避免鬆弛及纖維斷裂讓泳衣穿著起來更佳持久保形、合身,使用壽命可延長至 10 倍。



If you’re looking for durable fashion, shop for clothes made with LYCRA® XTRA LIFE™ fiber. You’ll enjoy long-lasting comfort, fit and shape with no bagging or sagging. In addition, swimwear made with this fiber is designed to resist damage from chlorine, lotions, UV rays and heat to last up to 10 times longer than swimsuits made with unprotected spandex. 

Xtra Life Lycra fibre underwent 8,800 hours of garment testing.

LYCRA® XTRA LIFE™ 進行了8800小時服裝測試

經過75小時的現場泳池測試,帶有 LYCRA® XTRA LIFE™ 纖維的織物沒有出現任何斷裂,而同等級面料已開始出現瀰漫性斷裂。


採用 LYCRA® XTRA LIFE™ 萊卡纖維的面料在泳池測試後似乎顯示出能提升50%的卓越耐氯效能。 這項新測試旨在密切反映現實生活中的磨損情況,測量防晒霜、氯化池水和熱攻擊、反覆拉伸、穿戴和脫泳衣。


總體而言,LYCRA® XTRA LIFE™ 纖維進行了8800小時的服裝測試, 測試發現,織物上沒有破損,競爭性紗線的織物效能已大幅下降,而 LYCRA® XTRA LIFE™ 纖維的織物依然保持良好的效能。


Fabric with Xtra Life Lycra fibre showed no breaks after 75 hours of live pool test. Equivalent fabric with competitive chlorine resistant elastane showed diffused breaks after 75 hours of live pool test. 


Fabric with Xtra Life Lycra fibre appeared to show 50% superior chlorine resistance performance after the live pool test compared to the equivalent fabric with next best competitive alternative elastane.

Live pool test challenge
This new test was designed to closely mirror real life wear and tear scenarios, measuring against sunscreen, chlorinated pool water and heat aggression, repeated stretching, wear and removal of the swimsuit.


✔️氯水泳池  ✔️野溪溫泉 ✔️海水鹽分 ✔️各項水陸運動

Recycled Polyester Fiber  環保聚酯纖維


The use of recycled PET bottles as raw materials can recycle PET bottle waste, which is no longer just a one-time use product, reducing environmental pollution while creating fabrics with a wide range of uses and superior performance.



Solution Dyed Yarn  原抽色紗


We embrace environmental protection by incorporating color at the raw material stage, reducing dyeing processes to minimize waste water and emissions. We conscientiously manage water usage, setting water conservation goals for maximum efficiency. Sourcing yarn locally reduces carbon footprint.


TIMU® 親自研發、選色、調整測試







